What kind of people are we; who are we as a nation when every decision we make is based on fear; what is the future of a world without love? A world based on fear is ultimately doomed.
Life exists at the crossroads of love and fear, so will we continue this dark path down the road of fear or will we have enough foresight to see the road of love up ahead? I am here to tell you that love exists, that it exists in each and every one of us, that it is the god that lives in us all. There is no separation, we are all one humanity.
I don’t need to tell you that things are bad, we already know. We are already experiencing it with the knowledge that things can very well get even worse. What you need to know is that all of it can stop right now. All the wars and poverty, all the dehumanization and destruction of our planet, all of it can come to a screeching halt.
We have the man power, we have the technology, the resources, knowledge, know-how and communication to provide for each and everyone one of us, with excess. What we need to create is a different way of working together. Because that's all that government is, the ways in which we have decided to work together. We made it all up, the rules to this world, we made them all up.
The earth and the universe are the creation of god; the world, our societies, are the creation of we the people. We are the creators and government is our creation. But the creation must always serve the creator just as man will always serve god and never the other way around. This is the only rule of this world that has been handed to us by god; it is therefore the first and most important rule; the creation must always serve the creator. We should not be serving government, government should be serving us.
The time is now and not any other, we are the ones that are going to change this world. So let us create a world with the knowledge, power and understanding we now have. We can create a world where we no longer work solely for money, but a world where we work for each other, where we work for humanity.
Revolution is the solution, ultimately for the entire world, but it must start somewhere, so this evolution will start here. America can once again be the shining example of freedom that it once was. We are still the most powerful and influential country in the world and we are about to do a complete turn around. Many countries will follow immediately and many more will follow in time. Let us no longer be the bully of the world, but instead the leader that leads only by example. In time this world will be one and man will be free, freer than he has ever been.