Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Breath to See the Revolution to Free

I'm finding it hard to breath
Because I can no longer see
What this world is starting to be

I need to take a break
So I can appreciate
The world and what's at steak

People fight and die in vain
They starve and live in pain
For the few of wealth to gain

They think they own the game
A world of slaves in shame
Their heaven is our hell with flames

They've created a global prison
By warping the people's vision
About our irrelevant divisions

Their favorite tactic is fear
And with this we let them steer
But there is a force far more sincere

My image it matters none
When you total up the sum
Of what is to be won

So I have no choice today
But to kick and scream and pray
For the people to stray from gray

The battle has only begun
Humanity is not done
The fat lady has not sung

So please, be brave enough to speak
Simply stand on your own two feet
That you will not accept defeat

Because we need a revolution
To bring on the solution
Of our current evolution

That we are all the same
In each and every way
And love, well love is here to stay

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